Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Big Flip

After a evening of disappointment  (as in the red oak chine caps  were to stiff  i couldn't get the fasteners to hold) putting a couple of holes in a fine looking hull i decided to hell with the chine logs (for now).
After patching the holes and putting my tail between my legs beer was the only solution. Way to frustrated to come up with anything else .

Next morning still felt defeated. Project not where i thought it would be. I went out for a cup o' joe and thought about my situation.

I was going to paint the hull before i flipped it over. I needed help to flip it anyhow... Another coffee break, To hell with it i've moved heaver things myself,  i got this.

Some of how i did it will be a mystery for the ages, here are the highlights.
Into the sun, slowly, slowly...
Easy peasy lemon squeasy!
Finally Flo is right side up, and may long there she remain! Off to the dolly.
Back her into the garage or "car hole" and that's enough heavy lifting for one afternoon.

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