I made this stencil to put up on dams (the low head drowning kind) sort of a warning. I ended up liking it so mush that i have kind of adopted it.
This stencil was made to mark art supplies for a river trip. It turned out so well that its gone up in a couple other places. The computer really let me play around with it. I still love that i can resurrect some of my art that required some civil disobedience to put up anyhow. Not to mention graffiti never lasts long.
These started out as a pen and ink ambigram of Hunter S. Thompson. I was trying to show two sides to a man who had many. It was a fun exercise but never went anywhere, it just didn't look right in black and white. But repeating it over and over agian like Shepard Fairey's Obey or Andy Warhol's repetitive works, this piece really got better and better losing the significance of the original work in the patterns they create.
I love doing cartoons. I am designing a new drift boat for running smaller steeper runs and the name Stupid Fish cane to mind. It wasn't long before this surly fish fell into my head and with my new Photoshop habit, here it is...